Collagen For Skin: Overview, Structure, Function, Benefits

Collagen is a fibrous protein that makes up various organs in the human body. Approximately 30% of the protein present in the human body is collagen protein. It is a very important protein for the body. It is a major component of the skin. In fact, it is also responsible for the making of the mucous membrane, bones, ligaments, blood vessels and many more. It is greatly involved in health as well as ageing.

As said, collagen is the main component of the skin. But the visible layer of the skin is called the epidermis, which holds the keratin protein. Collagen proteins are the main component of the dermis. The dermis is the lowermost layer of the epidermis layer of the skin. It is not visible from the outside. It is said that the dermis contains about 70% of collagen protein and gives better skin health.

Structure of the skin

Human skin is made of three layers named epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue. Collagen, which makes up the majority of the dermis, plays an important role in preserving the structure and hardness of the skin. In addition to collagen, the skin also needs hyaluronic acid and other nutrients to stay healthy. Collagen is the protein which resists dryness as well as increases the elasticity of the skin. The human body produced collagen themself in the body. The level of collagen production and amount of elastin in the skin is said to peak in the late twenties. But after my twenties, it gradually started decreasing with age. Hence, it holds the elasticity and appearance of the twenties. In order to prevent skin ageing and maintain beautiful skin, it is very important to ingest collagen, so it is great to add collagen powder for skin. 

Effects of collagen on the skin?

Collagen is a type of protein that has a triple helix structure that combines chains of amino acids. Collagen is thought to make up about 30% of all proteins in the body, keeping the skin elastic and firm while also maintaining it youthful-looking.

In order to keep the skin moisturised, collagen is referred to as a "moisturising ingredient" in cosmetics. It distributes moisture to dry areas to help the skin retain the ideal level of moisture while holding moisture on the stratum corneum's surface as well as reducing the skin evaporation process. It is a dependable component that gives the stratum corneum freshness and solidity while holding moisture in it. Collagen is also known as glue protein because it keeps the skin cell together by boosting the elasticity of the skin. 

On the other hand, collagen is found in food and supplements. When collagen-rich food or supplement is consumed, it breaks down into amino acids in the body and is transported throughout the body through blood vessels. Then, it is produced in tissues including skin, bones, hair, and joints where collagen is active. The most recent studies also show that low-molecular-weight collagen is highly absorbed by the body. Hence, having low molecular weight collagen is great for the body or skin.

Types of collagen

There are about 29 types of collagen available. Each type of collagen is situated at different locations and plays a different role in the body. Among 29 types of collagen, 9 types of collagen are present in the skin. Only 9 types of collagen play an active role in beautification. Type I, Type II, Type III, etc are the popular collagen types for the skin.

  • Type I collagen is found abundantly in the skin and bones. It supports cosmetic functions for the body.
  • Type II is abundant in cartilage and effective in suppressing arthritis.

How To Take Collagen Effectively for skin?

There are two ways to get collagen for better skin health. 

  • First, apply to the skin with cosmetics.
  • Second, take the food and supplements orally.

Collagen can be taken effectively orally in the form of beverages and supplements. It was previously believed that collagen taken orally would break down into amino acids and that it could not be anticipated to function as collagen in terms of beauty. Recent studies, however, have revealed that collagen peptides produced by the decomposition of collagen have a variety of advantageous effects on skin cells. Hence, having collagen peptides is a great way to use them. 

Gelatin that has been broken down by heating collagen results in the fine enzymatic decomposition of collagen peptides. Collagen taken orally is broken down into amino acids during digestion, but some of it is converted into collagen peptides that help the body produce collagen and hyaluronic acid. Therefore, you should choose food or supplement which has peptide collagen molecules in advance so that they can be efficiently absorbed in the small intestine.

The presence of substances like vitamin C that aid in the synthesis and development of collagen is another crucial consideration. Yes, collagen requires vitamin C, a coenzyme and iron as a carrier for the synthesis of protein. Collagen is an important ingredient for beautiful skin. But, you should consider vitamin C or iron too. You should pick organically derived vitamin C or iron over synthetically produced raw materials.

When using collagen powder or supplement, not just collagen, it is misunderstood by the users that " the more you have. the better your skin". Be careful, it is not true when it is collagen powder, vitamin C or anything else. It is important to take it continuously rather than taking a large amount of supplements for a shorter period of time. In addition, sugar and additives contained in collagen drinks may lead to pimples and acne. So, pay attention to the amount of sugar or additives used in the collagen supplement. Inner care, which includes collagen consumption, is a beauty technique that starts from within the body. Stress and undernutrition are both enemies of healthy skin! It is crucial to prepare the state of the entire body in addition to taking care of the skin's surface in order to produce healthy skin. Let's enhance everyone's quality of life, not only collagen. Add nutritionally balanced meals, moderate exercise, and sufficient sleep.

Collagen Benefits For Skin

There are many skin functions linked with a healthy level of collagen in the body. In one word, collagen helps in overall beautification. It keeps the skin firm, balances hormones, heals scars and many more. Get glowing and young skin with collagen powder. Well, Collagen is even deeper than beautiful skin! It's good for your overall health. Following are the benefits of collagen that you should know. Add collagen powder for skin and achieve all the below benefits to the body. 

Skin Elasticity: Losing elasticity is the natural part of the ageing process. When we reach our 30s, we start losing elasticity. Collagen helps to regain the elasticity of the skin. Skin elasticity is how your skin is able to snap back into place after being stretched. Collagen is a protein and is fibrous which helps skin to be cohesive, increases elasticity, and reduces fine lines, wrinkles and other ageing signs. Collagen increases the youthfulness of the skin.

Hydration & Moisture: When there is a lack of hydration in the skin, it often looks dull, dry and flaky. Collagen contains hydroxyproline, which is an amino acid that plays an important role in collagen and has been shown to hydrate the skin by improving its moisture levels. It is a great moisturiser for the skin and supports glowing and smooth skin. A restore the smoothness and softness of the skin from the inner layer.

Stretch marks: When our skin is constantly being pulled at a rapid rate, it causes stretch marks on the skin. As we grow old or become pregnant, we begin to grow and stretch our skin. The overstretching of the skin is where collagen can't keep up. Having collagen supplements for the skin helps with stretch marks as it improves the way our skin regenerates. Parallel, it also increases the skin elasticity which increases the capacity of stretching for the skin.

Acne & Pimple: Collagen does not directly help in acne or pimple. The imbalance of hormones causes acne and pimple problems in the body. Collagen may help to balance out the hormone level, and have different functions in your body. Collagen provides the nutrition that helps in balancing the hormones and reduces acne and pimples and gives a better and healthier lifestyle.

Scars: Collagen supports quick skin regeneration and healing properties because collagen is full of amino acids. For the healing of scars or injuries, collagen helps to speed up the healing process and generate a new layer of skin around the affected area. The healing capacity reduces or is more difficult as we grow up. 

Dark Spots & Pigmentation: A UV exposure causes your cells to produce more melanin which causes dark spots and pigmentation. Melanin begins to accumulate over the years due to high production and damage to the skin. Collagen helps with the formation of tissues and encourages the skin to heal and repair itself. When collagen is used by vitamin C, it protects the skin from UV rays or other pigmentation that causes attacks.

Blood Circulation: An improper blood flow or blood circulation in the skin makes the skin look dull, reduces skin firmness, etc. For vibrant and less puffy skin, it is required to have healthy blood circulation with healthy collagen levels. Collagen also contributes to making the blood vessels strong and flexible. Enhance your blood vessels and the function of blood vessels with collagen as well as maintain skin elasticity through better blood flow.

Anxiety: Chronic skin picking, a condition also known as excoriation disorder, is one of the ways that anxiety may make people cope with stress and worry. Today in modern society, there are many factors in this, like job, education, and life in general. Collagen contains a significant amount of glycine, which has been discovered to have anxiolytic characteristics. It reduces anxiety somewhere and helps to get a healthy body with healthy skin.

Best collagen supplement for skin

Collagen that we take for beauty and health. If you want to try a collagen supplement, then it is great to choose a low molecular weight collagen supplement. As said above, low molecular weight collagen is easy to absorb by the body. Low molecular weight collagen or collagen peptides is sourced from grass-fed or pasture-raised bovine. In the market, plant based collagen, bovine collagen, marine collagen, etc forms of supplements are available. The best collagen supplement for skin is plant-based collagen or bovine collagen. If you are vegetarian then plant-based collagen is for you. Bovine collagen is non-vegetarian collagen prepared from cow sources. 

Beware Of Taking Too Much Collagen

As said above, there is nothing like "the more you have collagen, the better your skin". There are many articles out there that state that having too much collagen can cause acne. Well, there is no evidence that proves the excessive intake of collagen causes acne. But excessive intake of anything either drugs or natural food is not good for one's health. Depending on the material, taking a large amount of collagen puts strain on the kidney and liver. 

Additionally, an imbalanced diet may disturb the body's nutritional equilibrium and deteriorate skin health. Let's keep in mind the right intake and balanced diet. 

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) on Collagen

Type 1 is one of the best collagen for the skin. It is healthy for the skin, bones, hair as well as nails.

Collagen is one of the important proteins for the skin. It increases the elasticity, hydration, and glow of the skin cells. You can get youthful skin as well as plump glowing skin.

Yes, collagen is very effective to improve the quality of the skin. It provides nourishment to the skin to the deep layer. It increases the elasticity and moisture of the skin cell.

Yes, collagen is helpful to make skin look lighter. It increases blood circulation as well as reduces the melanin from the skin. It increases the glow by reducing the pigmentation of the skin.

Having collagen-rich food, collagen supplement, as well as vitamin C foods, is good for collagen. Add collagen supplements based on plant ingredients.

Bone broth, Eggs, Fish, SPirulina, leafy green, etc are foods which are rich in collagen. It increases collagen production in the body naturally.

Growing old (age factor), extreme UV rays, pollution, etc are the reasons which cause collagen loss in the body.

The common sign of lack of collagen appears on the face or skin. Dull, wrinkled skin is a common sign of it. A stiff joint, and pain in joints are also some of the signs of not having enough collagen.

Animal bones or skin are rich in natural collagen. The green leafy vegetable is also great for collagen.

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