Dental Floss: An Ally For Your Oral Hygiene

Oral hygiene is essential to maintain a healthy mouth and prevent periodontal problems. Brushing is important, but it won't get rid of all the food particles and bacterial plaque that build up between teeth and along gums. As a result, you run the risk of developing gum disease, cavities, bad breath, and even more serious periodontal diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis. For this reason, using dental floss is crucial to getting a deeper clean in regions that are difficult to reach.

What is dental floss?

Dental floss is a thin, flexible thread made of plastic or nylon. Regardless of age, its use is advised for everyone as part of their regular dental hygiene regimen. Children can begin using it under the supervision of an adult from the age of four, and after they have mastered the technique, they can use it on their own from the age of eight.

Dental floss is equally important in small interdental spaces as it is in larger ones, as bacterial plaque can gather in any crevice between teeth. It is recommended to use floss at least once a day, ideally right before bed. Saliva production decreases during the night, which may encourage the growth of bacteria in the mouth. The following are the fundamental guidelines for using dental floss correctly:

  • Cut about 45 centimetres.
  • Leave around 5cm of thread open to work with after wrapping the majority of the thread around one hand's ring finger.
  • Tightly hold the floss between your thumb and index finger on both hands.
  • Slide it between your teeth gently, moving back and forth. Ensure that you reach the gum line and cover all of the interdental gaps.
  • To get rid of plaque and food particles, carefully run the floss up and down the base of each tooth, forming a C shape around it.
  • As you go to the subsequent teeth, unroll a small amount of floss, being sure to use a clean section on each interdental region.
  • Go over each tooth in your mouth, top and bottom, in this manner.
  • For a last, clean feeling, rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash.

To find out more information on the kind of dental floss that will work best for you, speak with your dentist. Dental floss can help you maintain good oral health and a smile free of issues. Include it in your everyday routine.

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