Hyaluronic Acid - Overview, History Benefits, Precaution, Dosage

What is Hyaluronic Acid (HC)?

Hyaluronic acid (HC) is an ingredient which has a very high water retention capacity (the ability to hold water), and 1g of hyaluronic acid is a component that can hold as much as 6 litres of water. Recently, it is very popular on the internet. It is also known as hyaluronan or hyaluronate. It is a substance which the human body produces naturally. The connective tissue of the body contains a naturally occurring glycosaminoglycan called hyaluronic acid (HA). glycosaminoglycans are simply long, unbranched carbohydrates or sugars, called Polysaccharides.

Hyaluronic acid is a sticky substance called mucopolysaccharide, which is mainly present in the epidermis and dermis of the skin, cartilage and the vitreous humour of the eye. By demonstrating its astonishing water retention capacity, it plays an important role in keeping moisture in each part of the body. Hyaluronic acid is a component that exists everywhere in the human body, but it tends to decrease with age.

The amount of hyaluronic acid in the body continues to decrease steadily after peaking at the age of 20, but the rate of decrease rapidly accelerates from the age of 40, and by the age of 60, it has decreased to less than half of what it was in the 20s. It is said to be put away. Hence, to keep the body hydrated and working properly, it is suggested to have healthy hyaluronic acids and that is why it is popular on the internet.

Hyaluronic Acid's History

Hyaluronic acid was discovered in the vitreous body of a cow's eyeball in 1934 by Teacher Karl Meyer et al. In 1950, the chemical structure of HA was solved. Hyaluronic acid was named after the Greek word Hyaloid, which means vitreous body.

Subsequent research revealed that it exists everywhere in the body, including the skin, joints, cerebrum, and heart.

In 1942, reported to be effective in healing joint wounds in dogs, and in 1958, it was reported to be effective in vitreous replacement surgery after retinal detachment.

In 1987, its use as a medicine was popular in the World, and to this day it is used as an eye disease treatment and as an injection for arthritis treatment.

It is also an excellent ingredient that is also used as a supplement and cosmetic. Today, hyaluronic acid is covering most of the cosmetic world. It is one of the best and top-rated ingredients for the skin care product.

Hyaluronic Acid In The Body

Hyaluronic acid is present everywhere in the human body, like the eyes, skin, joints, brain, and veins, but it is particularly plentiful in the eyes, skin, and joints. Hyaluronic acid is a fundamental component for maintaining the shape of the eyes and is also suitable for preventing dry eyes.

Hyaluronic acid is also present in the skin, and it is a crucial ingredient in preventing dryness and giving it freshness and firmness.

Hyaluronic acid is also present in joint cartilage. Cartilage acts as a cushion between bones, which helps support smooth movements such as bending and stretching.

Well, it is highly popular for the skin.

Properties Of Hyaluronic Acid

Because hyaluronic acid has a large molecule, it also has the characteristic that it is difficult to be absorbed by the body as it is. Furthermore, numerous foods that contain hyaluronic acid are difficult to eat continuously, for example, chicken combs, fish eyes, and pig feet, so it is a difficult ingredient to supplement in regular meals. Hence, it is considered desirable to take hyaluronic acid as a supplement. Recently, many supplements containing hyaluronic acid, which has been processed into smaller molecules so that it can be easily absorbed, are sold, so it is important to incorporate them well.

Effects Of Hyaluronic Acid

Effect On Keeping The Eyes Moist: Because hyaluronic acid is a sticky ingredient with a high water retention capacity, supplementing with it prevents dry eyes by binding tears to the cornea's surface. Hyaluronic acid is becoming more and more popular as an ingredient that can help prevent and treat dry eyes. Hyaluronic acid can also be used in eye drops that are used to treat dry eyes.

Although hyaluronic acid is not contained in tears, it has properties very similar to mucin, a component of tears, which has a role in binding tears to the surface of the eye. In addition, the eyes are supposed to be the part that needs the most water since they are the main organs in the body that are exposed to the external air. Two-thirds of the eyeball is made up of the vitreous body, which is 99 percent water. Additionally, hyaluronic acid is the source of the elasticity of the vitreous, which functions as a cushion to prevent the retina from impact damage.

Bit Of Knowledge: The primary functions of hyaluronic acid tears include dryness prevention, sterilisation, cleaning, and nutritional supplementation. The "main lacrimal gland" on the upper eyelid is where tears come from. Adults are said to shed between 0.5 and 0.75 cc of tears per day. 

Tears are composed of two layers, a lipid layer and a liquid layer, and the lipid layer on the surface of tears prevents the evaporation of water. Then there is the liquid layer, which is what most tears are made of. Glycoprotein is the primary component of mucin, which is found in the liquid layer. The sticky mucin holds water firmly on the outer layer of the eye and assumes a role in supplying nutrients. Tears are secreted not only to keep the eyes from getting too dry, but also to uniformize the uneven surface of the cornea, smooth out eyeball movement, and remove dirt and pathogens from the conjunctiva. Consequently, it contributes significantly to the health of your eyes.

However, the amount of tears unconsciously secreted in this way is very small, about the same as one milk bottle per year, and tear production is further reduced. Hyaluronic acid is used in eye drops and supplements because it has properties similar to mucin, a component of tears. Hyaluronic acid binds water to the corneal surface and keeps the eyes moist, so it can be said that it helps the function of tears.

Dry eye and hyaluronic acid: Eye drops containing hyaluronic acid are often used as a treatment for dry eyes. In India, the dry eye became a problem due to the rapid adoption of personal computers, particularly by businesses. The issue of "OA disease," a symptom that typically occurs in people who use OA equipment for an extended period, has come to be seen as a problem. Dry eyes are thought to be one of the symptoms of OA and a cause of asthenopia, along with headaches and pain in the low back.

However, many people disregard dry eyes because they believe that it is simply dry eyes and not a disease. If you can't open your eyes without blinking for ten seconds, you probably have dry eyes, which are easy to spot. One in ten people today are said to suffer from dry eyes.

Because they spend the majority of their time throughout the year in rooms that are cooled by air conditioning, modern people's eyes are frequently exposed to the wind from air conditioners because they spend a lot of time using their smartphones and computers, which reduces the number of times they blink. There are several cases.

Additionally, even though the penetration rate of contact lenses is rising, an increasing number of people are wearing them for extended periods without adhering to the recommended wear time. It is supposed to be another problem.

As dry eye worsens, the outer layer of the eye turns out to be more susceptible to harm, and if left untreated, harm might spread not exclusively to the outer layer of the eye, but also to the cornea and conjunctiva. In addition, it can lead to poor vision, loss of concentration and motivation. It can also cause problems such as accidents while driving. Additionally, dry eye is a cause of systemic symptoms like stiff shoulders, headaches, and back pain in addition to being an eye-related symptom. Recurring symptoms can be stressful and negatively impact your health.

In this way, it is important to take preventive measures every day, considering that dry eye is not just an abnormality or discomfort of the eyes, but that if left untreated, it can lead to serious accidents. Hyaluronic acid, which keeps the eyes moist, is said to be effective for such dry-type dry eyes and is attracting attention.

Skin-beautifying effect: The water-holding capacity of hyaluronic acid keeps the skin moist, resulting in skin that is firm and elastic. From the outside, the skin is made up of three layers: the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue. The dermis also contains hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid, along with the proteins collagen and elastin, keeps the skin hydrated and firm. Collagen is the pillar that supports the inside of the skin, and elastin has the role of creating the framework that holds the collagen together. And hyaluronic acid exists in a form that fills the skeleton made of collagen and elastin, and by retaining moisture, it leads to moist and firm skin. However, as we get older, the skin loses its moisture, its elasticity, and the amount of hyaluronic acid it contains. Additionally, collagen, which is a structural pillar of the skin, depletes with age, making wrinkles, spots, and sagging of the skin gradually more noticeable. As you age, your skin loses its energy because of an absence of hyaluronic acid and collagen, resulting in a decrease in firmness and moisture.

We can maintain the elasticity of the skin by supplementing with hyaluronic acid, a moisturising ingredient. In addition, by preventing wrinkles and sagging, you can keep your skin fresh and youthful. For this reason, hyaluronic acid is attracting attention as an anti-ageing ingredient and is especially of great interest to women.

Hyaluronic acid can be used in cosmetics and supplements with the idea of moisturising as a way to use it for beauty. Additionally, hyaluronic acid is utilised as a hyaluronic acid injection that is utilised during procedures like cosmetic surgery and orthopaedic surgery. 

Smooth Joint Movement: Hyaluronic acid is found in cartilage, which acts as a cushion between joints and makes it easier for joints to move. It's possible to feel pain in your knees when you walk, climb stairs, or stand. The knee joints, in particular, support the weight of the entire body; consequently, they are a part that bears a significant burden. Therefore, when the cartilage that acts as a cushion wears away, the bones collide with each other, resulting in pain and inflammation even during everyday activities.

Hyaluronic acid is said to have the effect of relieving pain by forming cartilage and helping smooth movement. It has been reported in research that giving hyaluronic acid to chondrocytes increased the formation of cartilage. In addition, hyaluronic acid is being used to treat knee arthritis, and reports indicate that the medication has reduced pain in 40 to 50 percent of patients. 

Bits of knowledge: Causes of joint pain- As we get older, the amount of hyaluronic acid and other components in cartilage decreases, so there is a strong impression that joint pain is a problem for the elderly. However, it is believed that one of the causes of joint pain is not only age but also the increased load on the joints caused by weight gain. As a result, obesity and metabolic syndrome, two conditions that have been regarded as issues in recent years, may be exacerbated by it. Joint pain is also very important for athletes. During training, athletes frequently repeat the same movements, forcing their bodies to move beyond their joint range of motion. People with these habits put a great deal of strain on their joints, so their joint cartilage wears out faster. In this way, joint pain is a problem that transcends the age range, so it is important to supplement with hyaluronic acid regardless of age.

Hyaluronic Acid's Side Effect

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is generally considered safe when applied topically in cosmetic products. But you should keep the concentration of Hyaluronic acid below 2%. It is a chemical that the body naturally produces, allergic responses are uncommon. However, using HA may result in the following negative effects:

  • Allergic Reactions: Well allergic reactions to HA is very rare, but some people may be sensitive to it. Skin irritation, itchiness, or redness are examples of allergic reactions. It is crucial to stop using the product if you notice any irritation.
  • Injection Reaction: The injection site may experience moderate swelling, bruising, or redness when HA is used for joint injections or aesthetic operations like dermal fillers.
  • Infection: When using HA for medical or aesthetic purposes, there is a tiny danger of infection at the injection site, just like with any injection. It is crucial to practise good cleanliness.
  • High Molecular Weight HA: According to some research, high Molecular Weight HA may not be suited for all skin types when taken in very high concentrations and may even make some people's skin more dry.

Before using HA, like with any skincare product or medical procedure, it is imperative to speak with a healthcare provider or dermatologist, especially if you have any sensitivities.

How To Take Hyaluronic Acid (HA)?

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is available in various forms, and the method of taking it depends on the intended use and desired benefits. Here are some common ways to take hyaluronic acid:

  • Topical skincare products: Hyaluronic acid is a widely used skincare product like creams, serums, and moisturisers. It helps moisturise skin, enhance skin texture, and lessen the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles when applied topically. Apply a few drops or a little amount of Hyaluronic acid on your fingertips and gently massage it onto clean, dry skin.
  • Hyaluronic acid Supplements: Supplements containing hyaluronic acid can be taken orally as liquids, tablets, or capsules. The uses of these supplements support skin hydration, joint health, and general health. Depending on the supplement and the user's needs, HA dosage and frequency can change. It's crucial to adhere to the manufacturer's instructions or seek the advice of a healthcare provider for dose advice.
  • Dermal Fillers: In cosmetic operations, Hyaluronic acid is used as a dermal filler to give volume to the skin, fill in wrinkles, and improve facial features. Dermal filler injections should only be administered by licensed healthcare professionals.
  • Eye Drops: Hyaluronic acid eye drops are used to relieve dry eyes and promote eye lubrication. By following the directions on the product label, these drops can be used directly on the eyes.
  • Joint injections: For joint-related conditions, Hyaluronic acid can be injected directly into the troubled area to reduce discomfort and enhance joint lubrication. 

When taking hyaluronic acid, it's essential to consider the following tips:

  • Always check the product's ingredients and ensure it contains pure hyaluronic acid without any harmful additives.
  • Before beginning any new supplement regimen, speak with a healthcare provider if you're thinking about taking HA supplements or if you have any underlying medical issues or allergies.
  • Perform a patch test before using any topical HA products to rule out any allergic reactions or skin sensitivities.
  • Make sure that any HA-related cosmetic operations, such as dermal fillers or joint injections, are carried out by qualified and experienced specialists in an established medical facility.

To achieve the best outcomes, be patient and persistent with the use of HA products. Individual responses to HA products can vary, so keep this in mind.

Frequently Asked Questions on Hyaluronic Acid

Is hyaluronic acid good for oily skin?

Yes, hyaluronic acid is good for oily skin as it is lightweight and non-greasy, providing hydration without adding extra oil to the skin. You can use hyaluronic acids every day on the skin.

How to use hyaluronic acid serum?

Get a high-grade hyaluronic acid, and make sure it does not contain more than 2% contention of hyaluronic acid. To use hyaluronic acid serum, apply a few drops to clean, damp skin and gently massage it in. Follow with a moisturiser to lock in the hydration.

Is hyaluronic acid good for dry skin?

Absolutely, hyaluronic acid is excellent for dry skin. It deeply hydrates and plumps the skin, improving moisture retention and relieving dryness. Everyone should add it to their routine, especially after 20-30s. This is the time when the body reduces the natural production of hyaluronic acid.

What does hyaluronic acid do for your skin?

Hyaluronic acid is known for its exceptional ability to hold moisture. It hydrates the skin, improves skin texture, reduces the appearance of fine lines, and enhances overall skin health. There are several benefits linked to hyaluronic acid. Besides skin benefits, it is also good for eye health as well as joint health.

Does hyaluronic acid darken skin?

No, hyaluronic acid does not darken the skin. It is a colourless and non-pigmented substance that does not alter skin tone. It helps to provide moisture to the skin and may help to reduce wrinkles and fine lines.

How to use hyaluronic acid?

Apply hyaluronic acid topically to clean, damp skin for optimal absorption. Use it in the morning and/or evening, followed by moisturiser and sunscreen during the day. Well, many also chose to go with injections for joint health, etc. Injections and other procedures should be followed by the professional only.

Can I use hyaluronic acid and vitamin C together?

Yes, you can use hyaluronic acid and vitamin C together. They complement each other, providing hydration and antioxidant protection for the skin.

Can I use hyaluronic acid with retinol?

Yes, hyaluronic acid can be used with retinol. When combining the two, apply hyaluronic acid first to hydrate the skin, followed by retinol to address specific skin concerns.

Does hyaluronic acid cause acne?

Hyaluronic acid generally does not cause acne. It is well-tolerated by most skin types and is unlikely to clog pores or trigger acne breakouts. However, as with any skincare product, individual reactions may vary, so it's essential to perform a patch test and observe how your skin responds.

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