Is Saw Palmetto Effective For Women's Urinary Problem?

Speaking of saw palmetto, it is a popular supplement for people who have problems related to urination. It is very effective for men's urinary problems. Having urinary problems like frequent urination, painful urination, not emptying the bladder, late night urination, etc are some of the common problems to see in men, which can be reduced by the saw palmetto supplement. Many studies review its positive effect on the urinary problem for men. Today, we will talk about the urinary problem in women with the saw palmetto. 

If we look at the process of supporting this problem, we can see that the key ingredient is the component that affects male hormones, but it is also known that it also affects the female hormone estrogen.

Saw palmetto or its extract provides a component that inhibits the function of the enzyme 5α-reductase. This 5α-reductase has an element that mediates the conversion of the male hormone testosterone into the harmful hormone "dihydrotestosterone," which is the primary cause of painful urinary tract issues. It is believed to work by preventing testosterone from being converted into harmful hormones. The initial rise in dihydrotestosterone is due to the age-related decline in testosterone levels. At the same time as testosterone decreases, the female hormone estrogen increases.

Additionally, saw palmetto has an ingredient known as "antiestrogen" that inhibits estrogen receptors. This can mitigate the risk of urinary issues and reverse the "sexual reversal decrease," such as the previously described drop in testosterone.

As we age, both men and women undergo changes in their hormone levels, which affects their bodies in some way. Rather than giving up and putting up with painful troubles because of age, you may be able to live a more comfortable life by using the power of saw palmetto to skillfully respond to changes. It helps to bring the hormone balance into the body.

Urinary Problems For Women

Issues like needing to urinate too frequently, waking up in the middle of the night, and not feeling refreshed even after urinating are issues that affect both men and women equally. Urinary tract issues are not limited to the young; in fact, one in two women in their 40s report having dealt with a urinary issue at some point in their lives.

Urinary problems in women are characterised by a combination of factors. First of all, because of the way the body is built, women's urethras are significantly shorter than men's, which makes it simpler for urine to leak, bacteria to enter, and inflammation to happen. In addition, menopause-related muscular weakening and the loosening of the pelvis during pregnancy and childbirth can contribute to urine leakage. In the younger generation, there are cases where neurological symptoms appear due to traumatic experiences such as holding back the urge to urinate.

Treatment by a urologist may be necessary, and some women have reported improvement with saw palmetto supplements.

This may be related to the fact that saw palmetto affects the female hormone estrogen.

Pumpkin seeds and female hormones

Some saw palmetto supplements contain pumpkin pepo extract, but there is actually a noteworthy relationship between pumpkin pepo extract and female hormones. The main component is a substance found in seeds called lignan. Sesame seeds, flaxseeds, wheat, soybeans, broccoli, and pumpkin seeds all contain lignans. Known as a phytoestrogen, it functions similarly to an oestrogen once it reaches the body and also has an antioxidant effect that supports overall health.

Urinary issues can be directly linked to the decline in oestrogen secretion that happens in the 40s and 50s and the ensuing hormonal imbalance. By taking in lignans into the body through supplements and compensating for the decrease in estrogen, it can be expected to reduce discomfort when using the toilet. A decrease in estrogen levels has been connected to a number of conditions, such as depression, persistent headaches, tight shoulders, and exhaustion, in addition to urinary issues. Although the symptoms vary widely from person to person, many experience significant discomfort.

It would be wonderful if the inherent strength of plants like saw palmetto and pumpkin seeds could help with these issues.

Consider utilising saw palmetto extract, which is easily obtained through an online marketplace, in place of worrying about experiencing daily discomfort that is not severe enough to see the hospital or that you are too ashamed to disclose to anybody.

While choosing a saw palmetto extract supplement make sure it also contains other ingredients like pumpkin seeds, nettle roots and many more.

Other Ways To Have Healthy Urine Function

Managing and alleviating urinary problems in women is a bit more difficult than in men, as said above. Just taking supplements or drugs is not enough to have a healthy urine function. Here is a list of guidelines which help you to lower urinary issues and support healthy urine function.

  1. Drink Plenty of Water: It may sound obvious, but it's important to drink enough water. Insufficient fluid intake can lead to concentrated urine, might irritate the bladder and perhaps worsen urinary problems. Drink as much water as you can during the day, but watch out for excessive alcohol and caffeine consumption since these might aggravate your bladder.
  2. Keep a Healthy Diet: Some foods might aggravate urinary problems by irritating the bladder. Common offenders include citrus fruits, tomatoes, artificial sweeteners, caffeine, and spicy foods. Choose a diet that is well-balanced and emphasises whole foods, veggies, lean meats, and whole grains.
  3. Pelvic Floor Exercises: Retaining bladder control requires the pelvic floor muscles to be strengthened. Kegel exercises, which include tensing and relaxing the muscles of the pelvic floor, can be particularly beneficial. Regular exercise can enhance bladder function and muscular tone.
  4. Control Weight: Maintaining a healthy weight is essential for overall well-being, including urinary health. Overweight can aggravate urinary problems by applying pressure to the pelvic floor and bladder muscles. Weight control can be aided by eating a balanced diet and exercising frequently.
  5. Take Care of Constipation: By increasing strain on the bladder, constipation can make urine symptoms worse. For good bowel movement, make sure you eat enough fibre, drink enough water, and walk around often.
  6. Bladder Training: To help with bladder control, bladder training entails progressively lengthening the intervals between bathroom breaks. To establish a more regular pattern, start by progressively increasing the time between urinations.
  7. Timed Voiding: Bladder function is regulated when a timed voiding routine is established. This involves scheduling precise times for bathroom breaks, independent of the need to use the lavatory. This can assist in retraining the bladder over time.
  8. Control Stress: Urinary problems can be exacerbated by stress. Include stress-relieving activities in your regular routine, such as yoga, meditation, deep breathing, or mindfulness. Controlling stress has a good effect on both general health and urinary health.
  9. Examine drugs: Urinary issues might be a negative effect of some drugs. Speak with a medical expert to go over your prescriptions and, if necessary, look into alternatives. Never stop taking any prescribed medicine without first consulting a doctor.
  10. Treat Underlying Conditions: Urinary symptoms may be brought on by medical disorders such as pelvic organ prolapse, bladder infections, or urinary tract infections. Seek immediate medical attention to receive a proper diagnosis and course of therapy.
  11. Hormone Therapy: As said, declining estrogen levels can have an impact on a woman's ability to urinate. Hormone therapy may be considered under medical supervision to alleviate symptoms, but risks and benefits should be carefully evaluated. Switch to hormone therapy, when it is the only option left for you.
  12. Bladder Relaxation Techniques: By encouraging the relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles, certain relaxation techniques, like biofeedback or pelvic floor physical therapy, can help women improve their control over their bladder function.
  13. Speak with a Specialist: It's imperative to see a urologist or gynaecologist if urinary problems worsen or continue. These experts are capable of performing comprehensive examinations, such as urodynamic testing, to identify certain problems and provide suitable remedies.

In conclusion, treating female lower urinary tract issues requires a multifaceted strategy that includes dietary changes, lifestyle adjustments, and possible medication procedures. Individual needs do, however, differ, thus seeking the advice of medical professionals is crucial for tailored advice. When combined, these tactics can help promote better urinary health and general well-being.

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