Quit Smoking Today! Know How It Harms Us?

For the past few years, tobacco-related health risks have been widely publicized in all spheres of society. However, are you truly aware of how it impacts your body?

The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that tobacco use kills over 6 million people annually.

In addition, diseases including cancer, heart disease, and asthma, among others, claim the lives of almost 600,000 non-smokers who are exposed to tobacco smoke each year. If current trends continue, 8 million people will die from tobacco use each year in 2030.

Know the dangers of tobacco

More than 4,000 chemical components have been found in tobacco, 60 of which have been linked to cancer. It also includes nicotine, which is the cause of addiction, since it is a stimulant that causes a sensation of pleasure in the brain.

We list some of the most common health issues brought on by tobacco smoking below:

  • Blood Clots, which may result in a stroke.
  • Hypertension in the arteries.
  • Cancer: particularly of the kidney, oesophagus, larynx, throat, or lungs.
  • Lung problems such as asthma or COPD.
  • It has an impact on fertility and lowers it.
  • Issues with the skin, fingers, nails, and teeth.

Now that you know all the improvements that your body will experience when you give up the pack of tobacco forever, what are you waiting for to become an ex-smoker?

In addition, if you don't smoke but someone close to you does, attempt to persuade them to give up and begin living a better lifestyle. We at You Count a Lot urge everyone to look after themselves!

How To Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking is a difficult yet incredibly rewarding journey. Here are a some tips for you to start quitting smoking journey:

  • Set a Quit Date: Pick a particular date to stop smoking. 
  • SeekHelp: Inform your loved ones about your choice to stop. Their help can be important during this journey. Consider joining a care group or utilising smoking end applications for added help.
  • Nicotine Replacement Treatment (NRT): NRT, for example, nicotine gum, patches, or capsules, can assist with reducing withdrawal symptoms. Counsel a medical care supplier to decide the right NRT choice for you.
  • Stay Active: Regular physical activity can help reduce cravings and manage stress. Incorporate exercise into your daily routine.
  • Change Your Everyday Routine: Adjust your everyday routine to stay away from circumstances related with smoking. For example, assuming you used to smoke with your morning espresso, think about changing to tea.
  • Stress Management: Practise relaxation procedures like deep breathing, meditation, or yoga to manage stress and lower stress.
  • Healthy Diet: Decide on nutritious food sources and remain hydrated to reduce the urge to smoke. A few food sources can make cigarettes taste horrendous, similar to dairy or natural products.
  • Be Patient: The street to stop might have difficulties. If you slip up, don't be too hard on yourself; learn from it and keep moving forward.
  • Teach Yourself:  Understand the health risks associated with smoking to strengthen your commitment to quitting

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