Mangosteen- Overview, History, Benefits, Precaution, Dosage, FAQ


What Is Mangosteen?

Mangosteen is a type of tropical fruit belonging to the Guttiferae family. In addition to its delicious taste, mangosteen is beneficial to our physical health.

It is an evergreen tree with a height of nearly 20 m. Southeast Asia is the main production area. Mangosteen tree is also known as the "Queen of Fruit" due to its taste and mangosteen fruit benefits. Its fruit is spherical in shape and about the size of a golf ball. Well, its pericarp is woody and thick, but not very hard. You can be peeled off by hand. The inside flesh part is soft like lychee. The flesh part is divided into four parts and it has both sweetness and acidity. 

It is said that there are benefits of mangosteen linked with the pulp and coat of the fruit, as almost all parts of the mangosteen fruit can be used and are very good for health. The cultivation area is limited, and it has been said that large-scale cultivation is difficult due to the difficulty of the environment and growing speed. Its growing speed is very slow. 

  • Latin Name - The Latin name of the mangosteen plant is Garcinia mangostana.
  • Family - Mangosteen belongs to the garcinia (Guttiferae) family.
  • Common Name - The common name of mangosteen in India is, Kaattampi, Kokam ,Hannu, Kao, etc. Mangosteen in Hindi is known as mangusta.
  • Season - The fruit ripest season for mangosteen is May to July. 
  • Taste- Mangosteen taste is sweet and tart alike.

History Of Mangosteen?

Mangosteen is a plant originating from Southeast Asia, mainly on the Malay Peninsula. Today, it is cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions like Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Hawaii, the Caribbean Islands and Central and South America. 

Due to preference for a hot and humid tropical climate, the cultivation area is limited and there is no mass supply. In India, only the import of frozen mangosteen fruit is seen. Because it is not cultivated in India due to an unsuitable environmental situation. It is a delicate fruit that takes more than 10 years to produce fruit with only one variety. It has white flesh that is sweet and sour in taste.

Mangosteen Nutrition?

Mangosteen is full of nutrition like vitamin B1, B2, C, vitamin E, folic acid, copper and manganese, carbohydrates, fibres. The main nutritional components of mangosteen are Vitamin B1, manganese and Vitamin E. Vitamin B1 is used to break down carbohydrates into energy, where manganese is used in bone formation and vitamin E strengthens the body's defence power. The whole mangosteen and its nutrition are good to maintain beautiful skin and health. 

With abundant minerals, it also has several antioxidants. One of the best and highest antioxidant compounds is named Xanthones in the mangosteen. The presence of Xanthones, Folate, Vitamin C also contributes to the anti-inflammatory, anti-ageing and anti-diabetic properties of the fruit.

Benefits Of Mangosteen (Mangosteen Fruit Benefits)

Mangosteen is a queen of fruit due to a reason. Mangosteen fruits are sweet, juicy, and packed with health benefits. Here's how this tropical fruit can assist you:

  • Boost Immunity
  • Being a source of many nutrients like minerals, vitamins and xanthones, mangosteen helps to boost the immune system. White blood cell formation and activity are aided by vitamin C. The healthy white blood cells in the body protect the body from the disease. A weakened immune system is directly linked with the lower white blood cells. The higher the count, the more protected you are from infection. 

  • Full Of Antioxidant
  • Mangosteen is fruit-filled with powerful antioxidants. A class of naturally occurring polyphenol combinations is known as Xanthones. Mangosteen is a rich and widely discovered unique antioxidant that offers fruits a superb edge. Antioxidants reduce oxidative stress and support skin and health. Because of antioxidants, mangosteen is known as a healing fruit and prevents a variety of illnesses, ranging from colds and flu to chronic and central disorders.

  • Help Menstrual Disorder
  • From a traditional time, mangosteen fruit and roots have been used for women's menstrual problems. If you usually have symptoms like pre/post menstrual cramps & pain, mood swings, etc., then you might overcome your difficult situation with the use of mangosteen or its extract.

  • Improve Heart Health
  • Having healthy blood pressure means a healthy heart. The mangosteen's high potassium, copper, magnesium, and manganese content helps to maintain a healthy blood pressure level in the body. Good blood pressure supports central health by maintaining a normal heart rate and keeping the risk of heart attacks at bay. Moreover, mangosteen also reduces the cholesterol level in the body.

  • Healthy Skincare
  • Mangosteen has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-allergic, and antioxidant qualities that help for skincare. It repairs the damaged cell, prevents UV rays and many skin problems like skin inflammation, skin ageing, eczema, allergies, and bacterial infections. A high level of Vitamin C supports the skin glow where antioxidants work wonders, especially on your skin by preventing wrinkles and signs of ageing. Get gorgeous glowing skin with mangosteen.

  • Promote Weight Loss
  • Mangosteen is low in calories, zero-saturated fat, and is cholesterol-free. Hence, it is well known for weight management. Regular use of mangosteen lowers the BMI value in people. Its anti-inflammatory promotes fat metabolism and prevents the body from unwanted weight gain. Various nutrients contained in mangosteen fruits also nourish the body without increasing the fat level.

  • Manage Diabetes
  • In the modern world, diabetes is a common problem. Even diabetes also increases heart risk. Mangosteen is one of the most effective natural medicines for controlling and maintaining blood sugar levels in the body. A good source of high fibre, it stabilizes the blood sugar and controls the diabetic problem. In addition to the excellent efficacy of mangosteen, this fruit is easily available and accessible.

    Other Benefits

  • Digestive Problem
  • Mangosteen is high in fibre, so effective aid to all digestive problems. It helps to get rid of constipation and stomach discomfort. It is also good to provide relief from diarrhoea and dysentery. Being high fibre fruit, it enhances prebiotics intake, which is good for your gut.

  • Anti-ageing 
  • The antioxidant from mangosteen is very good for the body and prevents ageing. Mangosteen is able to repair the damaged body tissue cells and replace them with new ones, so if you consume this fruit diligently, you might look younger. 

  • Support Healing
  • Mangosteen has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties and is useful for wound healing. It supports a speedy recovery after some injury or surgery. 

    How To Choose Mangosteen?

    If you feel difficulty choosing the correct ripped mangosteen fruit, then follow our guide-

    Mangosteen is ready to eat when it is deep reddish-purple, plump and large in colour. Moreover, the pericarp has moderate elasticity. You can also check the number of petal patterns on the butt. If it is, then it is good ripped. 

    How To Store Mangosteen?

    Mangosteen for export is harvested slightly before complete ripeness. It is not available in all the countries and takes time to go from one country to another. If you get ripped mangosteen from the market, then optimum conditions for storage are the temperature of 13 ° C and a humidity of 90%. The ripening speed is very fast at room temperature when mangosteen is imported.

    For good storage, put it in a plastic bag and put it in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. You can refrigerate it in a damp newspaper also. The storage period varies greatly depending on the ripeness of the fruit and the environmental conditions and is about 3 to 4 days. 

    Mangosteen Precaution

    Consider the special precaution of mangosteen fruit before eating it. There are many cases in which mangosteen does not work and causes problems. Below are our recommendations, for more information, you can talk to your healthcare professional.

    • There is no reliable data about the use of mangosteen by pregnant and breastfeeding women, so it is good to avoid it.
    • There is a possibility that mangosteen increases the bleeding, so if you have any type of bleeding disorder or are on medication, you should avoid it. 
    • This is good to avoid if you are going to any surgery. Avoid it for about 2 weeks before and after at least.
    • People who are on diabetic medication should also avoid it.

    Mangosteen Dosage

    The daily use of mangosteen is good for your health.  Well, the appropriate dosage of mangosteen depends on the user's age and other health conditions. It is good to contact your healthcare professional for your dose limit. If you are having any extract form of mangosteens like mangosteen juice or etc, refer to the instruction label provided by the manufacturer. 

    FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) On Mangosteen

    How to eat mangosteen?

    It is very easy to cut, peel and eat the mangosteen fruit. Gently cut the mangosteen from the between. Remember, do not cut it in half. Just cut 1/8 part of the hard part from all sides. Then gently squeeze it. After the squeeze, it will crack and easily divide into two parts. After opening it, the inside white like flesh part is edible.

    Where to buy mangosteen?

    It is difficult to find fresh mangosteen fruit in India, especially in the offline market. Search for fresh fruit in an online market. If it is not available, then it is good to choose mangosteen extract. Many types of mangosteen are available in extract form like juice, tablet, etc. Well, mangosteen price vary.

    How to grow mangosteen?

    Buy mangosteen or mangosteen seeds from the market. It is very easy to get mangosteen buy online. Moisture the seed for 24 hours. Sow it under the oil and water a bit. Protect the seedling for some days with a favourable environment.

    What is mangosteen called in India?

    Mangosteen is known as Mangusta in India.

    How long does it take to grow a mangosteen tree?

    The growing process of mangosteen is very slow. To get 12 inches long in height, takes about two years.

    How many seeds in mangosteen?

    Mangosteen contains about 1-2 seeds inside the flesh part.

    What are the various mangosteen skin benefits?

    There are many mangosteen benefits for skin like promoting microcirculation, acne, pimples, skin vitality, UV radiant protection, boost eczema for skin health. Mangosteen is a source of antioxidants, so it works well for the skin.

    Give a short note on mangosteen uses?

    Mangosteen fruit is used for diarrhoea, urinary tract infections, mental problems, intestinal infections and many more.

    Is mangosteen beneficial to health?

    Yes, mangosteen is good for your health. It is strong in antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, antibacterial and other properties. They all together improve immunity and overall health.

    What is the reason for the ban on mangosteen?

    Mangosteen is banned to import due to phytosanitary concerns. But later, it was lifted in the year 2007. Now, it is absolutely okay to import mangosteen from southeast Asia countries.

    What is the source of mangosteen's high price?

    Mangosteen is very hard to grow. It requires a favourable environment as well as it has a very slow growing process. That is why it is very expensive in the market.

    Why is it that mangosteen isn't good for health?

    Mangosteen is absolutely healthy for the body, except for some conditions. It is not good for the one who has bleeding disorders.

    What are mangosteen's side effects?

    The overdose of mangosteen causes some adverse effects in the body like constipation, bloating, fatigue, nausea, itching, etc.

    Is mangosteen beneficial to hair?

    Mangosteen is beneficial for the hair roots. The antioxidants for the mangosteen improve the blood flow in the hair roots that support better hair growth.

    Why is mangosteen referred to as the "Queen of Fruits"?

    Mangosteen is very unique in its taste. It has a special sweet-sour taste that is why it is known as the queen of fruit.

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