• Menstruation Uncomfortable Symptoms & How To Deal With Them

    Menstruation Uncomfortable Symptoms & How To Deal With Them

    Menstruation, also known as a period, is a natural biological process in females. It is the shedding of the uterine lining in the form of blood. It is very uncomfortable during the months. Here are the most common symptoms that are uncomfortable during menstruation and how to manage them Lower stomach ache: Prostaglandins are released during menstruation, which causes the uterus to contract and...
  • What is Menstruation and Know Everything About Period(Menstruation)

    What is Menstruation and Know Everything About Period(Menstruation)

    What is Menstruation? Menstruation is controlled by the female hormones- follicle hormone (estrogen) and progesterone (progesterone). The uterus responds to estrogen by thickening the endometrial lining, which provides a surface for fertilised eggs to land. Additionally, progesterone facilitates the simpler implantation of a fertilised egg by thickening the uterine lining, a process made possible by estrogen. This is how female hormones help women get...
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