Take Care of Yourself In Each Phase Of the Menstrual Cycle

The monthly changes that women go through have not always had a good reputation; traditionally, they have been seen as a barrier or hindrance to the normal development of routine. However, from a modern perspective, society and science are becoming more curious to understand how these hormonal changes work and accept their impact.

We want you to understand that understanding how our bodies function is not just a theoretical matter. It goes beyond just gaining additional knowledge; without it, we would be unable to properly care for ourselves.

Let’s take an example, imagine how a child's energy levels are affected by a cold. As adults who have experienced numerous colds, we are fully aware of the fact that it is part of a recovery and that it is a matter of time before that energy returns to its basic levels. Therefore, we will respect the calm that the child needs without alarming us. For example, we may allow him to stay home an extra day, take a nap, or reduce his extracurricular activities. In short, we adapt his routine to what his body demands to recover. Possibly, we would require that child to regain his spirit and energy because he has to deal with everyday life immediately.

The approach we usually take in our daily routine is usually:

“ I have a list of tasks scheduled for today that I have to finish, no matter what .” If I'm in the mood, that's fine, otherwise I'll look for a way to patch it up (I'll have a coffee or, why not, three).

It is a strategy guided by the rational part (checking off the to-do list) but it does not attend to emotional needs that may arise (how am I feeling today, what is my body asking of me?) We are the ones who adapt to the routine instead of trying to adapt the routine to us.

One perk of being a woman is that it is possible to predict a certain pattern of how a woman will feel at different stages of the cycle. Therefore, this knowledge helps us to better understand who we are, as well as to adjust and arrange our schedules appropriately, leading to improved self-care. Let's go:

The menstrual phase: Remember that this is the stage when our hormone levels are at their lowest, which means we could feel the most exhausted during this time. What are we suggesting?

  • On the one hand, listen to what our bodies are telling us and relax. Take it easy, put off the most difficult chores, and maybe spend those days working from home.
  • On the other hand, take advantage of this stage. Low energy makes it easier for us to contemplate and engage in introspection, which makes it an ideal time for meditation.

The preovulatory stage: Energy, motivation, concentration, retention and desire to interact grow. Planning the month's chores now is the best idea since we can still be reasonable and have enough energy to complete the tasks on the calendar without going overboard. It is also wise to be able to take on learning and study assignments, enrol in an activity, prepare a heavier study load for the test, or begin the course we have been meaning to.

The ovulation stage: It's the phase when we have an explosion of energy, performance, and sociability, as opposed to menstruation.

It is time to fully commit to productivity at work, finishing the never-ending to-do list and taking on the more challenging duties to capitalise on it. As well as organising meetings and exhibitions at this time is a good idea. Increasing physical activity and social activities is a smart decision on a personal level.

The premenstrual or postovulatory period: The well-known Premenstrual Syndrome stage. By focusing on the negative part of this phase (the chaos and emotional upheaval) we have forgotten the advantages that these changes bring on an emotional level and how we can adapt to them.

  • Make use of your feelings to gain a deeper understanding of who you are. What concerns me? What depresses me? What enrages me? It's time to start gathering data.
  • Delay making conclusions; instead, take a moment to observe.
  • Benefit from a high level of creativity. Seek to tackle jobs that require this skill and are not so focused on results or effectiveness.

We close with the importance of listening to ourselves, understanding that we are cyclical allows us to normalise these changes and thus be able to adjust the demands of daily life to our self-care.

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