How much exercise is healthy to practise?

If you have started exercising and you have realized that you like it and, you like it so much, that it is already part of your life; and it is so much a part of your life that you have begun to wonder if you are exercising more than you should; Surely you have already asked yourself this question: how much exercise is healthy to practice?

However, this dilemma must also be familiar to you if you have made the decision to begin exercising but are unsure if you are doing too little to negatively impact your health or too much to negatively impact it.

Well,, we try to answer this concern.

First of all, you should be aware that the medical community as a whole agrees that engaging in moderate exercise is healthful. Maintaining an active lifestyle and engaging in regular exercise can help you prevent obesity and lower your risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers. However, exercise also enhances general health and mood, builds stronger bones and muscles, and many more.

Similarly, your physical state and overall health will determine how much and how often you should exercise to improve your health.  Therefore, to make sure, first of all, go to your doctor to have an examination and rule out any pathology that requires adapting the amount or frequency of exercise or even limiting it.

Finally, the World Health Organization (WHO) establishes for adults aged 18 to 64 years, different intensities and exercise loads so that this contributes to the improvement of cardiorespiratory, muscular functions and bone health, as well as, reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases. Attentive!

  • 150 minutes a week, or 2.5 hours, of aerobic activity at a moderate level. Performing chores, dancing, brisk walking, and carrying moderate loads (less than 20 kg) are examples of moderate aerobic activity. It is advised to engage in aerobic exercise in sessions that last for at least ten minutes.
  • Equivalent to 75 minutes a week of intense aerobic exercise. Vigorous aerobic activity includes jogging, trekking, swimming quickly, and fast cycling.
  • Alternatively, an equivalent mix of vigorous and moderate activities, i.e., the first two in a proportionate amount of time.
  • Furthermore, you ought to engage in significant muscle building exercises (chest, back, legs, etc.) at least twice a week. That is, activities like lifting weights or using elastic bands that call for strong muscles.

But if you're more interested in raising the bar and getting more health advantages from sports, the WHO suggests the following:

  • 300 minutes (5 hours) a week of moderate-intense aerobic exercise.
  • or as much as 2.5 hours, or 150 minutes, a week, of vigorous aerobic exercise.
  • a comparable mix of intense and moderate exercise.
  • Apart from engaging in exercises that build big muscle groups, at least twice a week.

We hope that you now have a much better idea of which level is suitable in your particular situation. Additionally, keep in mind that you should see your doctor first if you have any chronic pathologies so that they may provide you with recommendations tailored to your particular situation. Now is the time to get moving and become healthier!

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